Hey friends and family, it’s the grumpy gang blogging for
the last time of trip 3 2019 L.
Right now, we’re typing this at a gas station, which is pretty fitting, for our
final blog. As we were driving, we were blasting music like Sweet Home Alabama,
Wagon Wheel, Dixieland Delight, and Baby (TWB classics). People passed around
notebooks, sharing information and writing goodbye notes, and we just finished
our last meal as a family. Of course, it was pizza wraps. This morning, Grant
told us we weren’t allowed to sleep on the bus or vans after our first stop. At
first some of us were complaining because we’re all soooooooo tired, but now
we’re all grateful we listened because this last bus/van ride has been so
amazing. On the bus, people have been walking up and down the aisle talking to
all the new friends they’ve made and singing the songs we all love. These next
couple hours leading up to our arrival at Mallard Creek are sure to be filled
with tears, both at saying see you later to our friends but also at remembering
the memories we made. However, we know they’ll also be filled with laughter,
smiles, and sing-a-longs to all our favorite songs with all our 76 new friends.
We know these relationships will last a lifetime, and even though we may be
saying goodbye for now, we all know we’ll see each other again soon!
Special shout out to our amazing, amazing bus driver:
J.D.!!! We are so thankful to not only him but also his wife, Sheila, for
keeping up with the blog every day and being supportive of him spending 23 days
with us! So to J.D. & Sheila: thank
you & just know that this whole TWB trip 3 2019 family loves you!!!!